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Atomic Operations in UNIX-like Operating Systems

UNIX-like operating systems, including Linux and macOS, offer a variety of atomic operations that can be performed without the need for sync...

UNIX-like operating systems, including Linux and macOS, offer a variety of atomic operations that can be performed without the need for synchronization mechanisms like mutexes or locks. These atomic operations provide a foundation for building thread-safe and multi-process-safe programs by ensuring that critical operations are executed indivisibly.


The underlying philosophy behind atomic operations in UNIX is to leverage the kernel's capabilities to handle critical operations efficiently. By delegating these operations to the kernel, developers can avoid the overhead of implementing and managing synchronization primitives. Additionally, relying on the kernel's expertise in handling atomic operations enhances the overall reliability and performance of concurrent programs.

Common Atomic Operations

UNIX-like operating systems support a diverse range of atomic operations, encompassing various system calls and file operations. Here's a non-exhaustive list of atomic operations:

  • Integer Operations: Incrementing and decrementing counters, as well as performing atomic comparisons and swaps, are essential for maintaining shared state without data races.

  • Variable Access: Reading and writing variables atomically guarantees that concurrent threads or processes observe consistent values, preventing data corruption.

  • File Operations: Creating, deleting, renaming, opening, closing, and reading files atomically ensures that these operations are executed in their entirety without interference from other threads or processes.

  • Memory Management: Allocating and freeing memory atomically prevents concurrent threads or processes from accessing or modifying memory blocks simultaneously.

  • Timer Management: Setting, waiting for, and canceling timers atomically ensures that time-sensitive operations are executed accurately and consistently.

  • Process Management: Creating, executing, waiting for, and forking processes atomically provides a foundation for managing concurrent program execution.

Benefits of Atomic Operations

Leveraging atomic operations offers several benefits in developing thread-safe and multi-process-safe programs:
  • Reduced Synchronization Overhead: Atomic operations eliminate the need for explicit synchronization mechanisms, reducing the complexity and overhead of concurrent programming.

  • Enhanced Reliability: By ensuring indivisible execution of critical operations, atomic operations prevent data races and other concurrency-related issues, improving the reliability of concurrent programs.

  • Improved Performance: Atomic operations often outperform synchronized implementations due to the kernel's optimized handling of critical operations.


Atomic operations play a crucial role in building thread-safe and multi-process-safe programs in UNIX-like operating systems. By delegating critical operations to the kernel and leveraging its expertise in synchronization, developers can create robust and efficient concurrent applications.

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